Waihou Historic Pioneer Church

Available for use


There are no church services, but the building is available for bookings. For example, weddings, funerals, tangi, and memorials. 

The church was recently used as a film set on the TV series "The Gone", for an indoor scene of a tangi.

The site

1879 This site was gifted by Hugh Campbell. A locally funded hall was erected and used as a school and community centre.

1925 The hall was demolised to make way for the present building

The Building

1886 This Kauri Building was erected in Te Aroha as St Marks Anglican Church. Dedication ceremony august 22 by bishop cowie

1926 The church was moved to this site, and on December 10th of that year the governor general Sir Charles and Lady Fergusson formally opened the undenominational memorial church

1964 Governor general Sir Bernard and Lady Fergusson visited the church

1999 Restoration commenced under the historic places trust supervision

The church is a memorial to the local servicement who died int he 1914/18 and 1939/45 world wars

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